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Huge interest in Chalmers seminar on electric vehicles

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Chalmers University of Technology, one of the partners in the ElectriCity collaboration, arranged a lunch seminar on electric vehicles early in 2016. One point on the agenda was the ElectriCity buses. There proved to be a huge interest in learning more about electric vehicles – all seats in the seminar were booked in one day. The audience came from all parts of Chalmers as well as from society and industries in the region.

First on the agenda was physical resource theory researcher Frances Sprei from Chalmers, seen in the photo above, who gave an introduction about the role of electric vehicles in a sustainable transport system. Edward Jobson from Volvo Buses continued with Volvo's voyage to an electric bus route, and finally applied physics professor Aleksandar Matic gave an overview of the battery challenge. The audience contributed with interesting questions and discussion.