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Electrified, efficient and more sustainable waterways

Within ElectriCity, new ways for waterborne transport to contribute to a more sustainable transportation system in our cities are also explored. Through our partners, we investigate how the transports of today can be developed and how future transport on waterways can be designed to contribute to a more efficient mobility system with lower emissions and high accessibility and usability for the inhabitants.

Elhybridbåten Elvy i Göteborg. Foto: Lindholmen Science Park.

In the Gothenburg area, just like in many other cities, several waterways are being used for the transport of both residents and goods. The potential of these routes is great and may grow as our cities become denser. Therefore, the ElectriCity collaboration explores more efficient and electrified alternatives that can improve waterborne transport in and to the city, reduce air pollution emissions and contribute to a more sustainable society.

The collaboration works to establish a testbed to drive the development of the sector and to offer a test environment in an existing transportation system where new technologies, routes and solutions can be tested.


Trafik på Göta älv i Göteborg. Foto: Edvin Johansson på Unsplash.

Testbed for electrified autonomous waterborne public transport

The project intends to clarify the potential and assess resources needed for an open shared testbed where innovative solutions within electrified and autonomous waterborne public transports can be tested and developed.